Sunday, 7 December 2014

My newest fan fiction novella

Sherlockians & Johnlockers

Have you ever wondered about Sherlock's life, before he became a consulting detective? When did he become aware of his deducing abilities? How did he land up at St. Bart's? Why did he start using drugs and why was he asexual?
Well, now you can find out by reading my novella.
SherlocK: Before He Became a Consulting Detective
The synopsis.
Sherlock leaves London in his final year of high school, with his parents. Misreading one of his professors from Liverpool University, he drops out in his fifth and final year. Mycroft convinces him to return to London to complete his degree. When he can’t cope with the nightmares haunting him, he turns to drugs, and ends up in the psych ward of a hospital. After he recovers, he meet Mycroft’s boyfriend DI Lestrade. Sherlock, using only his deduction skills, solves a case Greg was working on. After solving more cases, he became world’s first consulting detective and quits his job at St. Bart’s. He relocates to 221B Baker Street, seeks a flat mate and finds a soul mate, instead.
I hope you like the story.
After two days, I finished the last editing this morning. Not a short story this time, but a nice long 22 844 words novella, about our favourite person in the world, Sherlock Holmes (aka Benedict Cumberbatch).
It's not Johnlock smut, but there are explicit scenes.
For the Mystrade shippers out there, smile, I did throw you a bone.

Lastly. . .
 To Mr Moffat and Mr Gatiss. Thank you for your brilliant work.
I'm not trying to steal your story. I write this to satisfy the needs of all the Sherlockians and Johnlockers out there. (I must confess, mostly my own needs.)
So, here's my disclaimer.
This story is based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's, Sherlock Holmes, as well as on the works of Mark Gatiss' and Steven Moffat's, Sherlock - BBC.
All characters, with the exception of a few names, are based on Sherlock BBC.
This story is pure fiction. Similarities to real people, places or events are entirely coincidental.

This novella may be copied, distributed, reposted, reprinted and shared, provided it appears in its entirety without alteration, and the reader is not charged to access it.
© Branka

Until next time
Another Sherlockian♥

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